Details are subject to change. All sessions take place in the Radisson Hotel.
12:00 noon- 5:00 pm - Registration
1:30-3:00 pm - Panel 1, Camelia Room |
Chair: William J. Cloonan (Florida State University) |
- Michael Wreszin (CUNY Graduate Center) - Europe American Groups (EAG): French and American leftist intellectuals in search of the third Camp 1946-1950
- Bradley Stephens (Gonville & Caius, University of Cambridge, UK) - Jean-Paul Sartre, John Steinbeck, and the Liabilities of Liberty in the Post-War Period
- Vivienne Orchard (University of Southampton, UK) - From the Structuralist Controversy to the States of Theory: deconstruction, radicalism and the question of context
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm - Coffee
3:30-5:00 pm – Panel 2, Camelia Room |
Writers and Film-Makers
Chair: Alec G. Hargreaves (Florida State University) |
- Jonathan Eburne (Pennsylvania State University) - Is Philadelphia Paris?: Film Noir, Brotherly Love, and the Critique of Urban Geography
- Lisa Weiss (University of California, Santa Cruz) - Arab Writers in the Post Cold War Era: Diasporic Voices from Paris, New York, and Los Angeles
5:00- 5:30 pm – Coffee
5:30-6:30 pm – Keynote Speaker
Camellia Room, Radisson Hotel
Chair: Michael Creswell (Florida State University)
France and the Cold War
Speaker: Irwin M. Wall (University of California, Riverside) |
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm - Reception and Welcoming Remarks: Anne Rowe, Dean of Faculties, Florida State University
8:00 am- 5:00 pm - Registration
8:30-10:30 am – Panel 3, Camelia Room |
Popular Culture
Chair: Adam Jolles (Florida State University) |
- Hunter Martin (University of Wisconsin, Madison) - Modern Jazz in Paris: Setting the Tone for Franco-American Relations in the Age of Engagement (1944-1963)
- Didier Francfort (l’Université Nancy 2) - La Guerre Froide en chansons : chansons et politique en France de 1945 à 1990
- Alan Farrell (Virginia Military Insitute) - Kamarad Kommandant Kalashnikov: French and Russians in Dimitri’s Gulage
10:30-11:00 am – Coffee
11:00 am-12:00 noon – Keynote Speaker
Camellia Room, Radisson Hotel
Chair: William J. Cloonan (Florida State University)
Left-Wing Intellectual Responses to Growing American Influences During the 1950s
Speaker: John E. Flower (University of Kent at Canterbury, UK) |
12:00 noon-1:30 pm Lunch Break
1:30-3:00 pm – Panel 4, Camelia Room |
Comrades and GIs
Chair: Michael Creswell (Florida State University) |
- Laurent Marie (National University of Ireland-UCD) - From Citizen Kane to Comrade Welles: the French Communist Party, Orson Welles and the Cold War
- Frank Anselmo (Louisiana State University) - Two Women and One US GI (KIA): Small Town Cooperation amidst International Recrimination, 1953
3:00-3:30 pm – Coffee
3:30-5:00 pm – Panel 5A, Azalea Room |
Foreign Policy and Defense
Chair: Michael Creswell (Florida State University) |
- David Messenger (Carroll College) - A Real Break or Reluctant Parting: France, the United States, and the Spanish Question, 1945-1948
- François Le Roy (Northern Kentucky University) - Le Défi Français: France’s Aeronautical Challenge to the United States
3:30-5:00 pm – Panel 5B, Camellia Room |
Chair: Adam Jolles (Florida State University) |
- Roald Nasgaard (Florida State University) - Automatism, Surrealism and the Sensate Material of Paint
- Maureen G. Shanahan (James Madison University) - Fernand Léger: French Communist Party Member and Hero of the Commodity Culture
- Jill Carrick (Carleton University, Canada) - Nouveau Réalisme, French Art Criticism, and Cold War Polemics
5:00-5:30 pm Coffee
5:30-6:30 pm – Keynote Speaker
Camelia Room, Radisson Hotel
Chair: Alec G Hargreaves (Florida State University)
Cassandra’s Policies:
French Prophecies of an American Empire from the Civil War to the Cold War
Speaker: Philippe Roger (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris) |
6:30 pm Cash Bar
7:30 pm – Buffet Dinner
8:00 am- 5:00 pm - Registration
8:30-10:00 am – Panel 6, Camelia Room |
US-French Jetlags
Chair: Dominique Fisher (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) |
- Typhaine Leservot (Wesleyan University) - Le couple France-US en Haiti: perspectives franco-antillaises
- Deb Reisinger (Duke University) - Marketing McDo
- Dominique Fisher (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) - Le particularisme, un voile d’outre-atlantique?
10:00-10:30 am – Coffee
10:30 am –12:00 noon – Panel 7A, Azalea Room |
Capitalism and Communism
Chair: Michael Creswell (Florida State University) |
- Bernard Ludwig (l’Université Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne) - « Paix et Liberté » : un anticommunisme français, européen ou transatlantique ?
- Michael Christofferson (Pennsylvania State University, Erie) - ’The Concept of Totalitarianism in France: A Comparative Perspective
- Jelena Stojanovic (Cornell University) - Potlatch and The Cold War economiesin
10:30 am –12:00 noon – Panel 7B, Camellia Room |
Chair: Alec G Hargreaves (Florida State University) |
- Jenny Raflik (Université de Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne) - Les dissensions franco-américaines face à la guerre indochinoise de la France, 1946-1954
- Mairéad Ní Bhriain (National University of Ireland, Galway/IRCHSS scholar) - The Fall of French Colonialism and the Rise of American Hegemony: The voice-role-legacy of the “intellectuel engagé”
- Mansouria Geist (Vassar College) - Les États-Unis et le nationalisme algérien, 1954-1962
12:00 noon-1:30 pm Lunch Break
1:30-3:00 pm – Panel 8, Camellia Room |
After the Cold War
Chair: Mairéad Ní Bhriain (National University of Ireland, Galway/IRCHSS scholar) |
- Kenneth Johnson (Florida State University) - French Participation in the Persian Gulf War of 1991
- Matthew Kemp (Florida State University) - Re-reading the Algerian War during the U.S. War on Terror
- Eric Touya (Adelphi University) - Je t’aime-Me neither: France/Amerique or France/Etats-Unis: the Future of Uncertain Relations
3:00-3:30 pm – Coffee
3:30-5:00 pm – Panel 9, Camelia Room |
Facing the “New Cold War” in the French Culture Classroom
Chair and Organizer: Charles J. Stivale (Wayne State University) |
- Jennifer Willging (Ohio State University) - French/American Cultural Relations: From Jazz to Freedom Fries
- Meaghan Emery (University of Vermont) - French Studies and the Question of Freedom: A Return to the Sartre/Camus Debate
- Charles J. Stivale (Wayne State University) - “Why Are The French So …?” Facing French Culture in the Undergraduate Classroom
5:15-6:15 pm – Keynote Speaker
Camellia Room, Radisson Hotel
Chair: Adam Jolles (Florida State University)
Present Subjective:
The Complexities of Post-War French Culture
Speaker: Serge Guilbaut (University of British Columbia) |
6:15 pm – Cash Bar