George Sand et l’idéalisme

George Sand et l’idéalisme
Public Lecture
Damien Zanone
(Université de Grenoble III) 
In French

Monday, April 9, 2007
Time: 3:30-5:00 pm
Diffenbaugh 009
Florida State University 

George Sand, a nineteenth-century writer of international appeal in her own day, was relegated to the margins of the literary canon within decades of her death. Professor Zanone will discuss how the ramifications of her changing centrality and marginality in the canon shed light on the evolving conception of the "Idealist" and "Realist" novel.

Professor Damien Zanone (Université Stendhal-Grenoble III) specializes in 19th-century French autobiography and historical memoirs, notably those of F.-R de Chateaubriand, G de Staël and G. Sand; he is the author of Écrire son temps. Les Mémoires en France de 1815-1848 (Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2007) and the editor of several of George Sand’s works including Histoire de ma vie, Consuelo, and Valentine.