
Does “la lutte continue”? The Global Afterlives of May ’68

International Conference

28-29 March 2019

Winthrop-King Institute for Contemporary French and Francophone Studies

Florida State University, Tallahassee

Conference Organizers: William Cloonan, Barry Faulk, Martin Munro, Christian Weber


All sessions take place in the Diffenbaugh Building  (DIFF 009), or the Fine Arts Building (FAB 249) at the FSU campus.

Details are subject to change.


Thursday, March 28

9.00AM - Registration/coffee

9.45AM - Welcoming Remarks

Panel 1 -  10.00AM - 11.30AM (DIFF 009)

Chair: Augustus O'Neill

May ‘68’s Impact on the Arts

  1. Kate Bredeson. Reed College. The Theater of May ’68
  2. Christopher Olivares. University of Arizona/ University of California (Berkeley). Mai ’68 et ses fantômes: l’héritage sociale de l’époque par le récit intime dans les films Nés en ’68.

11.30AM-12.45PM – Lunch at the Suwanee Room

Panel 2 - 12.45PM - 2.15PM (DIFF 009)

Theory and Political Struggle

Chair: Barry Faulk

  1. David Potsubay, Florida State University. In Big Data’s Shadow: Where is the Possibility for Critique?
  2. Josch Lampe. University of Texas (Austin). Does Marxist Theory Justify Terrorism?
  3. Alexander Ruhsenberger, Florida State University. The Will of the Revolution: the Role of Authority and Anarchy in May 1968.
  4. Emily Scott, Florida State University.  The Trajectory towards 68: Rethinking Foucault’s Emphasis on Bodies in Society.

2.15PM - 2.30PM – Coffee break

Exhibition of ‘Voices of 68’ by Chris Reynolds. The Digital display will be available at all the conference coffee breaks.

Panel 3 - 2.30PM - 4.00PM (DIFF 009)

May ’68 in Italy

Chair: Irene Zanini-Cordi

  1. Christopher Bennett. University of Louisiana (Lafayette). 1968 Past, Present, Future: Models of Art and Activism in Jannis Kounellis’ Senza titolo (1969)
  2. Tenley Bick. Florida State University. Wu Ming’s Postcoloniality: Collectivism and Countercultural Aesthetics for Contemporary Italy.
  3. Giuseppina Mecchia. University of Pittsburgh. Nanni Balestrini’s Narrative Legacies : the Italian 1968, the Hot Autumn of 1969, and into the 21st Century.

4.00PM - 4.15PM – Coffee break

Panel 4 - 4.15PM - 5.45PM (DIFF 009)

Chair: Mara Rainwater

’68 in Different Disciplines

  1. Tahirih Lee. Florida State University. The Audacious Appeal to European Law of Daniel Cohn-Bendit.
  2. Yasmine Marcil et Emilie Roche. Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris-3. Identités narratives des figures de mai ’68 dans la presse magazine internationale (1968-2018).
  3. Amanda Vincent. Wake Forest University. French Architecture’s Green Turn: Despite May ’68 or Thanks to it?

Plenary Session 

6.00PM - 7.00PM (FAB 249)

Moderator: Barry Faulk (Florida State University)

Kristin Ross. New York University. Territories and Terrains of the Long 1960s

7.00PM -9.00PM - Exhibition presentation and reception at MOFA


Friday, March 29

Panel 5 - 8.30AM - 10.00AM (DIFF 009)

Chair: Honorine Rouiller

Political Aftermath

  1. Chris Reynolds, The Nottingham Trent University Beneath the Troubles, the Cobblestones: Recovering the buried' memory of Northern Ireland's 1968
  2. Timo Obergöker. University of Chester. D’un printemps à l’autre. Le “printemps Québécois” nouveau Mai ’68?
  3. John Lambeth. Washington and Lee University. From Radios Libres to Radios Associatives.

10.00AM - 10.15AM Coffee Break

Panel 6 - 10.15AM - 11.45AM (DIFF 009)

Chair: David Potsubay

Diverse Manifestations of After ‘68

  1. Paul Cohen. University of Toronto. La Fac soixantehuitarde: the Université Paris-8 and the Afterlife of a Revolutionary Moment.
  2. Mort Guiney. Kenyon College. The “Charbonnières Manifesto:” Teaching French after May ’68.

11.45AM - 1.00PM Lunch at the Suwanee Room

Plenary Session  

1.00PM - 2.00PM (DIFF 009)

Moderator: Nathan Stoltzfus (Florida State University)

Detlef Siegfried. University of Copenhagen. 1968‘in Germany. Changing perceptions since the 1970s

2.00PM - 3.00PM

Screening of the documentary: The Boys Who Said No

Panel 73.00PM - 4.00PM (DIFF 009)

Ambivalent Heritages of May ‘68

Chair: Alexander Ruhsenberg

  1. Mame-Fatou Niang. Carnegie Mellon University. 50 ans de Mai ’68 dans les banlieues françaises: Entre nouveaux combats et refonte d’une mémoire collective.
  2. John O’Connor and Louise Williams. Central Connecticut State University:  The Spirit of 1968 in the Age of Trump.

4.00PM-4.15PM – Coffee break

Panel 8 -  4.15PM - 5.45PM (DIFF 009)

May ’68 and Literature

Chair: Jennifer Willging

  1. Alexis Chauchois. Florida State University. Lorsque Michel Houellebecq propose l’Islam en réponse à mai ’68.
  2. Valérie Orlando. University of Maryland. Conflicts of Class, Race and Sexuality in the French-Moroccan Feminism of Leïla Slimani.
  3. Jennifer Willging. Ohio State University. Houellebecq and Lefebvre on “la vie quotidienne” after May ’68.
  4. Gilles Vinnot. University of Arkansas. Mai ’68: effets et ramifications multiple pour une même cause?

Plenary Session  

6.00 PM-7.00 PM  (FAB 249)

Moderator: Christian Weber (Florida State University)

David Harris. Writer and Activist. PLAYING IT FORWARD: What happened in the Sixties and what can it teach us today?

7.00-8.30 Closing Reception at MOFA