Thursday, 21 February
5.00-6.00 PM - MOFA 249
Opening at MOFA, introduction by Vincent Joos (FSU)
Visit to photography exhibition by Eric Leleu.
Followed by light reception
Friday, 22 February
9:00-10.30 AM - DIF 009
Session 1: Historical Contexts
Moderator: Martin Munro (FSU)
- Helen Solterer (Duke University) Enclaves: European Fictions for Locking People In & Keeping People Out
- Max Scholz (FSU) >500 Years of Refugee Accommodation In Germany
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-12.30 PM - MOFA 249
Session 2: Italian and German Perspectives
Moderator: Silvia Valisa
- Dana Weber (FSU), “The Birthday of a New Germany:” Hospitality and Hostility during the Refugee Influx of 2015-2016
- Susanna Antonielli (FSU), Framing Flows: Italian and European Debates on Migration and Asylum Law
- Tenley Bick (FSU), Porta d'Europa: Art and Activism in Italy in the Age of the European Migration Crisis
12.30-1.45 PM Lunch at Suwannee Room
1.45-2.45 MOFA 249
- Screening of Calais, The End of the Jungle
2.45-3.00 PM - Coffee Break
3.00-4.00 PM - MOFA 249
Session 3: The Undeported
Moderator: Vincent Joos
Carolina Sanchez-Boe (Danish Research Foundation fellow, CERLIS Université Paris Descartes - Sorbonne Cité, IMC Aarhus University)
Infrastructures of Confinement. Migration Policies and the Criminalization of Migrants and their Allies in Contemporary France
4.00-5.00 PM - MOFA 249
Roundtable with all speakers: The Future of Migration