Asylum-Seekers in France
Visit to Florida State University by staff members of France Terre d’Asile
arranged by the
Winthrop-King Institute for Contemporary French & Francophone Studies
in association with the
Center for the Advancement of Human Rights

April 2-4, 2012



M. Abdelkrim Kordjani - Director, FTDA asylum-seeker support centers, St Denis and Stains, France.
M. Lucas Descourtis - FDTA legal adviser with experience in both US and France.
Mme Esther Attias - FTDA specialist in social and child support.
M. Madani Tacheboubet - FTDA specialist in family support.
M. Jonathan Teran - FTDA housing and employment specialist.


FTDA visitors will participate in undergraduate classes on Franco-Algerian relations and Contemporary France in the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics, and in graduate classes in the Law School on Human Trafficking and Asylum and Refugee Law. They will also meet with faculty members and graduate students in Modern Languages and Law to advise on areas of specialist interest.


For more information contact:
Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics

Florida State University

Tallahassee, Florida 32306-1540

Telephone 850.644.7636

Fax 850.644.9917