New Writing in France and America Program

New Writing in France & America

International Symposium

Florida State University


Organized in cooperation with the Creative Writing Program, Department of English
Les Editions VerdierLagrasse





2.00 pm-2.15 pm, Room 013 (English Common Room), Williams Building , FSU

Welcome and opening remarks

President T.K. Wetherell, Florida State University

Dr Donald J. Foss, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, FSU


M. Marcel Roques, Vice-President of the Conseil Régional du Languedoc-Roussillon

M. Stephan Rossignol, Vice-President of the Assemblée Régionale du Languedoc-Roussillon

2.15 pm-3.45 pm, Room 013 (English Common Room), Williams Building , FSU

Fiction After the New Novel/Le nouveau roman et après

Sylvie Gracia

Olivier Rolin

Ralph Berry

Robert Olen Butler

Jim Harrison

Sheila Ortiz-Taylor

Virgil Suarez

Mark Winegardner

Chair: Dr William J Cloonan, Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics, FSU

3.45 pm-4.30 pm  Coffee

4.30 pm-5.00 pm, Broad Auditorium, Claude Pepper Center, FSU

Readings/Lectures de textes

Proust read by David Kirby

Faulkner read by Pierre Michon

Chair: Jean-René Etienne, French Cultural Services Book Office

5.00 pm-6.30 pm, Claude Pepper Center, FSU

Reception/Vin d’honneur

Welcoming remarks by

Dr Mark Pietralunga, Chair, Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics, FSU, and

Dr Hunt Hawkins, Chair, Department of English, FSU

M. Christophe Bouchard, Consul Général de France, Miami

M. Marcel Roques, Vice-President of the Conseil Régional du Languedoc-Roussillon

M. Stephan Rossignol, Vice-President of the Assemblée Régionale du Languedoc-Roussillon



Sponsored by the Conseil Régional du Languedoc-Roussillon and the Centre Régional des Lettres du Languedoc-Roussillon


2.00 pm-3.30 pm, Room 013 (English Common Room), Williams Building , FSU

Writing and the Public Sphere/L’Écrivain et la cité

Didier Daeninckx

Sylvie Gracia

David Kirby

Bob Shacochis

Elizabeth Stuckey-French

Chair: Dr Hunt Hawkins, Department of English, FSU

3.30 pm-4.00 pm   Coffee

8.00 pm-9.00 pm, The Warehouse, 706 W Gaines Street, Tallahassee

Readings/Lectures de textes

Jim Harrison

Olivier Rolin

Chairs: Dr Mark Winegardner, Creative Writing Program, FSU and Victoire Bidegain di Rosa, French Cultural Services, Miami


2.00 pm-3.30 pm, Room 013 (English Common Room), Williams Building , FSU

Writing Cities/Villes et écriture

Didier Daeninckx

Sylvie Gracia

Jean-Baptiste Harang

Janet Burroway

Elizabeth Dewberry

Mark Winegardner

Chair: Dr Stan Gontarski, Department of English, FSU

3.30 pm-4.00 pm  Coffee

4.00 pm-5.30 pm, Room 013 (English Common Room), Williams Building , FSU

Authors and Translators/L’Art de traduire

Roberto Fernandez

Jean-Yves Masson

Brigitte Byrd

Chair: Dr Reinier Leushuis, Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics, FSU


2.00 pm-3.30 pm, Room 013 (English Common Room), Williams Building , FSU

Intercontinental Connections: Latin America, France and the U.S./

Littératures latino-américaines en France et aux Etats-Unis

Christian Garcin

Olivier Rolin

Roberto Fernandez

Juan-Carlos Galeano

Virgil Suarez

Chair: Dr Jean Graham-Jones, Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics, FSU

3.30 pm-4.00 pm  Coffee

4.00 pm-5.30 pm, Room 013 (English Common Room), Williams Building , FSU

 Poetry Readings/Lectures de poèmes

Barbara Hamby

Jean-Yves Masson

Pierre Michon reads Victor Hugo’s “Booz endormi”

Chair: Dr Aimée Boutin, Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics, FSU


11.45 am-12.30 pm, Room 461, Williams Building , FSU


Buffet lunch

12.30 pm-1.30 pm, Room 013 (English Common Room), Williams Building , FSU

Visions of Paris: Readings/Visions de Paris: Lectures

Robert Olen Butler

Betsy Dewberry

Sylvie Gracia

Chair: Dr Alec G Hargreaves, Winthrop-King Institute, FSU

2.00 pm-3.15 pm, Room 013 (English Common Room), Williams Building , FSU

Writers and Gatekeepers/Ecrivains-éditeurs-critiques

Gérard Bobillier

Christian Garcin

Jean-Baptiste Harang

Jean-Yves Masson

Olivier Rolin

Robert Olen Butler

Barbara Hamby

Roberto Fernandez

Chair: Dr Alec G Hargreaves, Winthrop-King Institute, FSU


The organizers gratefully acknowledge the support of the Winthrop-King Memorial Fund, the Cultural Services of the French Embassy, le Conseil Régional du Languedoc-Roussillon, le Centre Régional des Lettres du Languedoc-Roussillon, le Banquet du Livre, Lagrasse, and the France-Florida Linkage Institute.



For more information contact: 
Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics

Florida State University

Tallahassee, Florida 32306-1540

Telephone 850.644.7636

Fax 850.644.9917

